24/7 AC Repair Service Sales & Installation by Hansberger Refrigeration in Yuma, AZ

Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can negatively impact the health of your entire family - including your pets. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans spend an average 93% of their time indoors, making indoor air quality critically important. There are a variety of common household contaminants that threaten to wreak havoc on your home’s air quality, including byproducts from cleaning supplies, insecticides, building materials, pet dander, mold and more. 

However, if you are ready to boost your indoor air quality at home with cleaner, healthier air, an air filtration system may be the answer! 

There are a variety of solutions available to fit your home’s needs and budget, including air scrubbers, air purifiers and UVC light installation. 

The air quality experts at Hansberger Refrigeration can recommend options tailored to your home’s size, age, and the type of heating and cooling system you have in place.

Give the Hansberger team a call at (928) 783-3331 to learn more! 


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