24/7 AC Repair Service Sales & Installation by Hansberger Refrigeration in Yuma, AZ

Our AC Unit is Not Working

Before you call for service here are a few things you may want to check yourself:


The Thermostat

Is it set properly?

Anyone can accidentally set even the simplest thermostat incorrectly.

Is the "Mode" or "System" setting correct for the desired operation? "Cooling" to cool the home or "Heat" to warm the home? "Automatic" available on some thermostats will cool or heat the home depending on the desired temperature setting.

Is the "Set Point" (Sometimes referred to as, Heat to, Cool to or Desired temp) set correctly to bring the system on?

Some thermostats require batteries for proper operation and weak or dead batteries are a cause of large numbers of service calls.


The Air Filter

A dirty air filter can greatly reduce an air conditioning systems ability to do its job or stop it all together. If left unaddressed for too long a dirty air filter can cause complete system failure that is quite costly to repair.


The Circuit Breaker

Your air conditioner is protected by a circuit breaker which automatically turns the electricity to it off under certain circumstances.

We provide and service all brands and sizes of air conditioning & filtering systems as well as exhaust fans, evaporative coolers, walk-in coolers & freezers. We will always provide top quality equipment with strong warranties along with proper installation so you don't have to worry about a thing. We have been in business since 1952 and will be here in the future to meet all of your service and warranty needs. You can count on us and the equipment we provide.


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