24/7 AC Repair Service Sales & Installation by Hansberger Refrigeration in Yuma, AZ


What’s your IAQ?


According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce your risk of indoor health concerns. Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or, possibly, years later.”


Short-term health effects can include irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, as well as headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Fortunately, these are usually treatable, the EPA notes, sometimes by simply eliminating the source of the pollutant.
Other effects may show up years later, or only after long-term or repeated exposures. Those effects include some respiratory illnesses, heart disease and cancer, which can be severely debilitating or fatal.
However, there are steps you can take to help improve your IAQ!
The first is reducing or removing the sources of pollutants in your home, and ventilating your home with clean outdoor air, the EPA notes.
Changing your air filter frequently can help by removing harmful particles from the air, including pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, bacteria and more. And there are a variety of filters available, from simple high-quality filters to advanced electronic air filters with whole home air exchanging technology features.
If you are ready to boost your IAQ, give the team at Hansberger a call today at (928) 783-3331.

IAQ Brochure

IAQ Brochure




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